Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yup. Definately different this term.

So, my first week of the new term is over, and I am starting to get my grades back. Yes, I did bomb my one quiz, getting only 5 out of 10 questions correct. I did get 29 out of 30 correct on my other quiz, though. I have gotten my grades back on most of my discussions in all 4 classes, and I got docked a point because I didn't give enough detail on a subject. Wow. I never missed a point in all 3 of my classes in the previous term. I will have to step it p a notch.

So ... I have just spent 2 hours working on my first animation. It is to be just a bouncing ball. So, I have added a little background and a somewhat looking sandy beach. This will also be my first attempt to posting such an animation, so ... here goes nothing!!!




Well ... guess what? I couldn't figure out how to load it. Perhaps my brother who is a lot more smarter than me can assist me. I'll have to give him a call here in the near future once I get all of my homework for this week done. I still have to do a character sheet of Pickles. So, like my Frankenstein 13 sheet, I will need a front, back, side and action pose. I ahve to be honest and say that the most action we get out of Pickles is her sleeping!

Anyway ...

I will post my grades once i get them all. Take care all!


Skip said...

Well, I have never had a blogger account, so I don't know how it handles flash attachments. You may have to upload it to youtube and then link to it here. I don't know. Or you can email me the compiled flash file (the flv one, iirc) and I can put it on my server and you link to it from there, but you might find the youtube option the easiest. Did you try searching for help on loading flash files in blogger?

By the way, don't sweat the one low score on your quiz. It happens. I know you'll get it together. But don't spend all your time this quarter focusing on the classes that you like and sacrificing the ones you like less. It's easy to get tunnel visioned and excited about one or two classes and not pay attention in your others.

Anonymous said...

I know how disappointed you must be at that low score after such high scores the first term. I know you'll work hard to fix it and make it better. I wish I could reach out and give ya a hug!