Sunday, March 15, 2009

Final Grades for Term 3

Digital Illustration: 2225/2400 (92.71%) -- Final Project 625/700

Color Theory: 2789/3265 (85.42%) -- Final Project 960/1280


My first "B" -- made the Dean's List my first two terms, and then lost it on the third. Kinda bummed, but as Meredith says: It is still above average.

True, but I really did not like the way teh class was ran. When we got our quizzes back, none of the questions we got wrong showed wha tthe correct answer was. Furthermore, with only two huge scoring projects, it was impossible to bring your grades up when all of the other assignments scored very little. And then on my final project, I only got two sentences worth of critique fromteh professor explaining my grade. It was as if he didn't care. Oh well ... I did my project really more jsut for fun anyway, and maybe make something special for my mother. She liked it, and that is what is important to me.

Oh well. My professor in Digital Theory gave me a huge paragraph explaining how things could have been better, so I fell pretty good about that.

I am really excited about school starting again, which will be on this coming Wednesday. I am curious to see how my Algebra class will be ran, especially the discussion side of things - "No, really ... prime numbers are signs from God that math can be fun!"

Anyhoo ... the pictures are from my Color Theory Final Project that I had to come up with a mock-up of a website and some banners and brochures for an event. I did a fictional garden-walk for my mother and her sister who live in two different states.

Talk to you all again soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Final Num-nums Draft

After getting feedback, and having to do the rest of the assignment, here is my final work for my Digital Illustration class. The bottom one is the packaging design (a treat pouch that only has 2 sides), then a marketing poster up above it (tried to make it look like a movie poster), and finally an advertising floor cling (the idea is to leave a trail of them leading up to the display).

Hope you like them!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Still waiting for grades, and ... NUM-NUMS!

My teachers are supposed to ahve our grades posted by Sunday, but alas I am still waiting for mine. Oh well.

I wanted to post my rough draft for my final project for my Illustration class. I had to come up with a fictional product and make a package for it. As we have cats and get treats for them in pouches, I decided to make a new cat treat and designed a pouch. So ... here it is! I will probably need to rework one or two items, but this should be pretty close to my final product.

Let me know what you all think!