Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Break
Oh well ...
This last term I got 2 A's (College Writing II and Cinematography) and 1 B (Sequential Drawing and Visual Narrative), the B coming from the professor that I had 3 times in a row, and that I only really appreciated him during my 3D Art and Animation class. Wellllllllllllllllll ... it turns out that I might have him for a 4th term in a row because next term I am going to be in an Intermediate 3d Art class. I will also have classes on Human Relations and General Science. I am very anxious to get my books because my General Science book comes with a Physics Kit ... whatever that might be. Of course, I am EXTREMELY anxious about my books and software for my 3d Art class ebcause I will be getting new software, which will basically be more tools for my tool box and I cannot wait to play around with them.
Work is being very stressful for me right now as I am having issues with my supervisor ... to a point that i had to go to two other supervisors to discuss them. They agree that they are valid issues and concerns are are getting HR involved. All the more reason that I want school to start so that I can bury my mind in a project or two.
Anyhoo ...
I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas. I hope that the New Year brings you all joy and happiness! Love you bunches!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Just an update on things ...
This term is feeling like it is going slower than the others. It seems like there is more work involved. I have A's in College Writing II and Cinematography, but have jsut slipped down to a B+ in my Sequential Drawing and Visual Narrative class. There is so much to know about storyboarding! Who knew? I normally have my class schedule for next term by now, but nothing new has been psoted yet. It may be because of the long break for Christmas. I will tlak to my advisor next week and see what he has to say. I also had a migraine last week and ended up in the ER over night. Thankfully I have my wonderful caring wife who takes care of me. We hada nice quiet Thanksgiving with mother and stepfather as well as a friend of mine from the next city over. Word tot he wise -- when ordering a precooked Thanksgiving dinner, ask if "precooked" means if the meal is warm and ready to be served when you pick it up, or if everything has been cooked, frozen, and needs to be reheated. Give you one guess what happened to us!
Something interesting Ihave been doing. I have been researching Game Companies to see see what they have for job openings, and to see if they have any internships or anything else that I might be able to do until I get out of school with my degree. I also noted where they are located. Meredith will be happy to note that there are about 3 of them so far that are located overseas in the UK, someplace that she and I both agreed would be fun to live. I included some notes that I jotted down for each. Here is what I have down so far:
Game Companies
Hiring Opportunities and Locations
Nintendo – contracts out to a company in Redmonton, WA. Will only take local applicants.
Bioware – will only take local applicants in Austin, TX.
Atari Games – nothing listed for quality testing, but does have other jobs listed.
Blizzard Games – offers multiple internships for different game titles, especially in 3d character modeling/animation. Located in California.
Activision – offers internships/co-ops through accredited colleges. Will even pay for relocation.
SIDE NOTE – for listings
Gearbox Games – located in Plano, TX. Nothing listed for interns/co-ops. Nothing listed for quality testing.
NC Soft – has locations in TX, WA, CA, and England. Has multiple job listings and types. Some quality testing and some internships.
Square Enix – located in CA. Has quality testing and must be local. Prefers someone who speaks Japanese.
THQ – has multiple job listings, some of them through Volition – Inc.;jsessionid=3204FDEC0E656BF896DB141C4537032E?command=CCSearchAll&ccid=bupJEdUjsTs%3D
Sega – has multiple job listings in multiple locations, but NOTHING listed for quality testing or internship.
Rainbow Studios – in Phoenix, AZ. Few jobs listed, nothing for quality testing or internship.
Capcom – does not have many jobs, but does have an internship. Located in San Mateo, CA. (WARNING – autofills San Mateo with COUNTY JAIL and COUNTY INMATES)
Traveller’s Tales Games – located in Maidenhead, UK. Has multiple job listings including quality tester, but must be local. No interships listed.
Ubisoft – programming jobs only. No internships or quality testing. BIZZARRE website.
505 Games – located in the UK. No career information listed.
So, anyway ... I have to finish getting ready for work. Next week I have 2 job shadowing opportunities with people in the standard tech areas of State Farm. I just wnat to keep my communications open with them in case anything falls through for me. I al have been keeping touch with Erwin. He tells me that State Farm jsut hired a person to work solely with 3dsMax. We are going to see if the 3 of us can set up a monthly meeting with each other.
Well, off to work!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Well this is exciting!
So ...
My supervisor was not in on Wednesday, so I need to talk to her first before I can start communicating with these other people and see about setting up some job shadowing and such.
Keep your fingers crossed!
As for school, things are going great. In the first three weeks of this term I am at 97% or higher in all three of my classes. I am excited!
Anyway ... will write more later!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My visit with Erwin
Erwin and I talked for about an hour about different things, different programs that he has used, and it turns out that 3dsMax is not used that much at all. State Farm is pretty much in the practice of hiring outside help to do their 3d animations. He mentioned that they have currently hired a company to make so many seconds of 3d animation and is paying them $150,000 to do it. Professor Clever had mentioned that freelancing can be a good way to go, but the downtime between jobs is what can pull you down. Erwin also mentioned that State Farm bounces back and forth between whether they want people for 3d work or not, and that maybe my skills would be better for Learning and Development instead of Creative Services. I do have skills with other programs that they use, such as Illustrator and Flash, and so I could try to get on there with those programs and continue to develop my 3d skills on my own after I am done with school. Maybe freelance a bit while I do that, but who knows?
Erwin told me that he had mentored someone before for a short period because she got in to Creative Services not long after he started mentoring her, so there was little left for him to mentor her on. He did give me a name of someone to talk to about mentoring, and I will follow up on that.
He did show me some of the things that he had worked on, such as a tornado simulation and at-fault simulators of vehicles. Those were pretty cool to look at. He said that the models were provided for him and he did the camera work. Still pretty cool stuff.
Over all, it was a very well spent hour. It has given me some leads to work on and made a friend. He said he will keep in touch with me and that I should start working on my portfolio, which is really great advice.
So, I gotta run ... gonna take care of some schoolwork.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Made the Dean's List again .... yay!
So, this term is going along really well. In my first week, I recieved 100% in all three classes. I am slightly worried about my Writing class as I need to come up with a a 7-10 page research paper by the end of week 9, and I still ahven't picked a topic yet. Not even sure what I want to research at this time.
I am very excited about Tuesday, coming up. I have an appointment to meet with the only person at State Farm headquarters who uses 3dsMax (the software I am learning) and he will show me how he uses it there. If I am lucky, I might even be able to job shadow him for a day depending on how things work out. This could be my "In" to the Creative Services department.
So, that is it for now. More later!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The final draft
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My final ... a rough --
To answer some questions from my brother, I have just completed my my 6th term out of 15. I will complete all of my classes in July of 2011. Hopefully by that time I will have a nice portfolio put together and can find a really decent job with this degree.
Anyway, it is time for bed.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Grades and Next Term

3D Modeling and Animation: 1102/1250 (88.16%)
This course provides students with an overview of camera dynamics. Topics include camera placement and movement, scene composition, and lighting. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to analyze, identify, and apply cinematic elements in games.
Sequential Art and Visual Narrative
This course covers in depth the elements and techniques of sequential art. Topics include story boarding and scene layout, graphic arts publishing, pencil tests and animatics. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to create dynamic and effective narrative content for a variety of visual media.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Character Posing

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
So, here is my mouse project. I had to compress it and so the quality isn ot that great. You can still see everything pretty good except for maybe the fur detail. I am quite happy with my overall finished product. Out of about 12 of us, I think 3-4 people did a better job than me. Everyone else did as little as possible when it came to animating their mouse. They would move the entire mouse and not animate it at all so it looked like it was gliding or flying. I cannot wait until next week when I get my grade back for it and find out how I did.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Alrighty, then ...

So ... let me say that I am learn a LOT about 3D animation. I earned an interesting lesson the hard way the other day when I tried to render (or finalize) part of my project. I have to make a 30-60 second animation, and as a test, I thought I would render just a small part of it to see how long it would take. I sat at the computer for about an hour watching and waiting, reading a book, watching some more ... and after about an hour of thinking that surely it must almost be done ... it was only on frame 3! Yikes ... My project will be about 900 frames long, and after doing some quick math discovered that it will take about 2 weeks for it to render! OUCH! So, I was up until 3:30 A.M. reworking my mouse. It seems I had too many hairs on the lil guy. So at the current settings I have on him, my project will now render in ... 24hrs. Not TOO bad. If I leave his fur off, it will render in 3hrs. So now I have lots of choices to make. One of the choices that I have is trying to use a picture of fur instead of real fur. Let me tell you that Pickles was not being very cooperative with me when I tried to take some pictures of her fur up close.
Anyway, another thing that I had to do was animate a ball bouncing through a room. I am not quite done with it, but I will post it here for you to see. Not bad for my first try at 3D animation, huh? Erm ... it is too big to load here right now. I will have to try a few things.
I also redid the room that I first posted, trying to make it look more realistic.
Well ... Grades so far, although imcomplete (why do teachers take so long to post grades?!?!?), are as follows:
College Writing I: 157/170 (92.35)
3D Modeling and Animation: 369/380 (97.11)
College Algebra II: 209/230 (95%)
So, that is about it ... will post more when I have it!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My finsihed mouse and other things ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
My first 3D work

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Missed it by THAT much
Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games: 1139/1300 (87.62%)
Character Development Design : 4019/4385 (91.65%)
So I got a B and an A-, but I didn't make the Dean's List. As my brother Skip would tell me, they are great grades, and I should be happy for them. I am, and cannot wait to start the next term which is less than a week away.
I am happy to say that I am done with the first of three years, and it went by very quickly. At this rate, I feel like I should have my degree by next year! One can only wish, right?
Meredith and I had at one point talked about getting me a larger monitor than my current 20in flat panel. I have been toying around with the idea of moving my desk in the den to the wall that is shared by our living room because our 27 flat panel TV is right by the door. If I had a wireless mouse and keyboard, I would be able to sit on the couch and work from there after I swapped the monitor cable from the monitor to the TV. Just toying with the idea:-).
Speaking of Skip, he and his wife Suzanne have the most adorable little girl named Sarah. She is learning how to play the violin and the ballet. You can see her at his website at the following link
So ... that is it for this term. 5 down, 10 to go!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The final week of this term
Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games : 913/1050 (86.95%)
Character Development Design : 2496/2725 (91.60%)
As you can see, I am pretty much into the lowest scores that I have received so far since I started school. This has me bummed out. Truth to tell, I blame the class layout and the instructor for my Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games class. We were to turn in our rough drafts by the end of one week (Week A), and then turn in our finals the following week (Week B), but we would not get feed back from our instructor until the beginning of the week after that (Week C). It was because of this lapse that I missed out on some easy points, and my grade would be higher.
I know ... it is still a B, and I should be happy. I AM happy that I have a B. I am very happy that I am doing better in college then I did in high school. I am happy that I am doing something and having fun with it. I am bummed, though, because I had no control over it and it took some of my pleasure away.
Did I do anything about it? Others already had. They posted their displeasure about it in the discussion threads, and the teacher pretty much said that he was overwhelmed. I will have my say when I fill out the end of term survey. I get one for each class, and I will go into detail. Oh well.
Anyway ...
I apologize for the rant. I am hoping that everyone is doing great. My Aunt Karen from North Dakota came for a visit. Meredith and I had my mother and her over for dinner. Since that visit, Meredith has repainted the livingroom, and we have rearranged it. We made more open room because we intend to get a Nintendo Wii with a Wii Fit to try and get us into some shape. I am very proud to say that I have cut my soda consumption by 2/3. In about a month, I hope t be soda free.
So ...
With that being said, I need to head to bed. Tomorrow I need to get my hair cut, and finish up working on one of my final projects. It is due Wednesday, but I want to turn it in tomorrow.
Take care everyone!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Next terms classes
Am I excited? Sure am! The first two I can do while I am at work. That should not be a problem. That will give me plenty of time to do my full class at home. The description of the 3D Modelling course ias as follows:
In this course students are introduced to 3D modeling and animation using industry relevant software.Topics covered include project development from initial concept to final production using lighting, camera angles, and textures. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to create and animate virtual objects in a 3D environment.
Doesn't that sound exciting?!?!?
I am so very anxious again to get this term over and done with and start on my next one!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hades: High School Gym Teacher

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Samurai Bear

Friday, June 12, 2009
Enjoying school!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Back on the Dean's List!
Life Drawing for Aninmation: 7107/7710 (92.18%)
College Algerbra I: 1052/1160 (90.69%)
Game Analysis and Playability: 1228/1250 (98.24%)
3 "A"s!! Woot! I feel great that I made it back onto the Dean's List, as I feel that I am giving it my all. One thing that my stepfather always tried to get across to me is not to do anything half-assed, with I feel that I did a lot as I was growing up (and maybe still do every so often). I don't feel that I gave it my best shot the first time I tried college 20 years ago, and so I am now giving it my all (witht he support of a wonderful wife), and setting high goals that I want to make. I see that I am not only getting good grades, but am making progress with my ability as well. I am really eager to get into the 3D side of the art work, but that will jsut take some patience. Best learn how to walk before I can run.
Love you all!!! See you next term (1 week from today!)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Heading into the final week ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Any thoughts?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Some really good feedback ...
Frankenstein XIII
Victor von Frankenstein actually lived and had created a monster. Contrary to what popular fiction would have you believe, he and his creation did not die. The monster survived with minor injuries, while Victor suffered major bodily trauma. Through the use of his notes, the followers of the baron’s research have kept his brain alive in a jar for the past two centuries. With the aid of his followers, the baron has made 12 attempts at making a creation that remains stable and controllable. Most of these attempts resemble human beings. The others incorporated the use of animal parts to enhance the possible combat factors. Unfortunately, each attempt was a failure. Each creation was lacking in some shape or form. While some showed promise in being controllable, they lacked in other areas such as speed, coordination, or intelligence. And those that excelled in physical traits became hard to control and exhibited psychopathic tendencies.
It is the year 2012, and Victor is ready to make his thirteenth attempt at making a controllable monster that will be the ultimate being. Using the body of a gigantic Mongol that was captured in the Himalayas, Victor’s followers place the brain of a captured navy Seal inside. This works out to be the perfect combination, but the Navy Seal rebels against the cult that created the abomination that he has become. Using the combined strength of the Mongol with his own combat training, he escapes and starts making his way back home. To bring back his finest creation, Victor has released the previous twelve creations to hunt him down.
And this is what my professor responded with:
David...this is the finest work yet, for this class. I really love your story. Siskel and Ebert would give this thumbs up! Consider copyrighting this. Not only did you breath life into an old classic, you gave it lead off branches to the four corners of the earth, so to speak. Also, to the careful observer you garnished this with some backdrop depth of symbolism - by using the number 12. Whether that was intentional, it works:)
So ... I am hoping that next term in my Chracter Creation class that I can really flesh Frankie out more and get something more solid that maybe I can get a copyright. I have an email out to my professor asking for more information on the process as to what I would need to have solid before such a thing. Will just have to wait and see how it goes.
As for my grades:
Life Drawing for Animation: 4209/4540 (92.71%)
College Algebra I: 644/690 (93.33%)
Game Analysis and Playability: 747/765 (97.65%)
So, over all, still going strong. I hope to make the Dean's List again. I am currently at a 93.41% for this term, so that is still a pretty good "A".
Anyhoo ...
Have two more weeks to good for this term. Meredith will be gone to Florida for my last week. She will be helping her mother and grandmother pack up the grandmothers belonging so that she can move to Cincinnati to live with her parents. I will miss her dearly.
That is it for now. I hope you all ahve a great Cinco De Mayo!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A paper I wrote (with Meredith's help)
Final Fantasy VII
“The RPG by which all others are to be measured” – IGN Staff
In 1987 when Hironobu Sakaguchi created the game “Final Fantasy”, he had no idea that 10 years later he would be instrumental in releasing what is arguably the best role playing game of all time. For its time, Final Fantasy had the best graphics available. The game play was on a level that had not been seen before. And the story had people in tears.
Both the story and back story of Final Fantasy VII is profound and multi-faceted. The plot is varied with aspects reminiscent of “Dune”, “Frankenstein”, and “Godzilla”. (Kesavin) The game takes place in a futuristic world on a planet called “Gaia”, referred to as just “The Planet”. The Planet is ruled by the Shinra Electric Power Company, an unscrupulous entity that holds the population in a grip of terror.
There are 9 playable characters, each with their own unique and engaging back story. Some of the best characters include Cloud Strife, a member of SOLDIER, the elite fighting force for Shinra; Barrett Wallace, who leads the resistance force of AVALANCHE against Shinra; Tifa Lockhart, a childhood friend of Cloud’s and a member of AVALANCHE; and Aeris Gainsburough, a simple flower merchant. (Williams) The greatness of the characters provides a realistic dimension that no other game has been able to match.
Part of what makes Final Fantasy VII an excellent game is that the player can take on side quests that further the back stories of the characters themselves, but have no effect on the main storyline. A player can complete the game without doing the side quests, but in my opinion they would be robbing themselves of some of the most excellent writing and storytelling.
At the start of the game it seems that the main protagonist of the story is Shinra Corporation, but through twists and turns we learn that it is actually Sephiroth. Sephiroth is the hero to Cloud and the long lost leader of SOLDIER. (Williams) His goal is to be revered as a god and will stop at nothing to reach that goal. During the course of the game he kills one of the main characters. This cut scene is one of the most talked about cut scenes of all time. This act alone makes the game stand out from previous games of this type and certainly from the other Final Fantasy games.
As an extremely immersive role playing game, there are no levels to conquer; instead, like the original game from 10 years earlier there are expansive areas to explore. Most areas are not accessible to the player until certain criteria are met, such as discovering an airship or a submarine. Each area gets progressively harder than the previous area. In a fairly new twist to immersive role playing games, players are allowed to go back to areas that they had previously explored. What truly adds to the richness of the game is that each area stands out from the others. For example, when exploring the Shinra Corporation, the player can sense the “industrialization” of the scene expressed through both colors and sounds. When entering the jungle areas, the scene is quite different with bright colors and birds in the background.
The graphics for this game are simply fantastic. Many of the locals are static and hand drawn. Also, the 16 different summon monster spells each have their own cut scenes, such as the “Leviathan” spell. This spell was on the demo disk, and this “sneak peek” is believed this scene provided the high demand for the game. (Boor) The graphics stand out even further when the game switches to the unique combat system. Each player and weapon has a distinct look to be equipped for every attack. Each time a character updates a weapon, the graphics show the change during combat. When a character learns a new attack, the animation during combat changes to reflect this. Prior to Final Fantasy VII, animation change was never seen.
There is also a fantastic soundtrack to the game, composed by Nobuo Uematsu. (Kesavin) Nobuo is also the composer of the original Final Fantasy game from 10 years ago. As mentioned earlier, one of the main characters is murdered by Sephiroth, and one cannot help but to get teary eyed as the mournful music plays in the background. During combat, each attack has a distinct sound, and the monster summoning spells really come to life with their own sounds and soundtrack.
The game play really grabs the players and gives a never before seen control over each character’s development. Weapons can be upgraded and made more powerful with different colored crystals called “materia”. “Materia” crystals can be mixed, and depending upon what colors are used, special abilities are given to the characters. Combat itself is menu driven and simple to use. Navigating the open world was even more simple. Even the side games have quick little instruction snippets that instruct the player. Over all, it is an expansive game that is simple to play.
The artificial intelligence from the original Final Fantasy has been greatly improved in VII. Nothing seems senseless or useless. In the original game the AI “silences” players (prevents them from casting spells or using abilities) that have no ability to cast spells. As each player has special abilities they all can be “silenced”. If a player relies too heavily upon one character for their special ability the game “silenced” that character. Attacks are still pretty random, though, without the monsters trying to single out the healers or any other specific character. The game would have been much harder had specific characters been targeted by the AI.
The ultimate goal is to stop Sephiroth. That is the “win” condition of the game. Even if you do this, the player still feels a sense of loss at the death of one of the main characters. There is an actual “lose” scenario written into the game and can be seen if everyone in the party dies during combat. If you play like I do with frequent saves, this is not a problem because one can go back to the last save point. All characters seemed to die during the big “boss” battles which made the save points especially important.
Many would argue that “Final Fantasy VII” is the best RPG game available. Definitely “the most shocking moment in video game history” (Gouskos) occurs when Sephiroth kills one of the characters. Today the graphics still look good. When the game debuted, the graphics were amazing. The game play, the combat system with the addition of the “material” components and the monster summoning spells made this a game to be remembered for all time. Is it worth all of the attention and praise that it has received, including spin-off games and a feature length movie? Many players including myself think that the attention and praise is deserved.
Works Cited
Boor, J. (n.d.). Game Details for Final Fantasy VII. Retrieved 04 15, 2009, from IGN Entertainment Games:
Gouskos, C. (n.d.). Greatest Games of All Time. Retrieved 04 15, 09, from Game Spot:
Kesavin, G. (n.d.). Final Fantasy VII Review. Retrieved 04 16, 2009, from Gamespot:;read-review
Williams, S. (n.d.). Final Fantasy VII - Characters. Retrieved 4 17, 2009, from RPG Gamer:
Sakaguchi, Hironobu. "Final Fantasy VII", video game, 1997
3 more weeks to go ...

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Where has the time gone?
Anyhoo ...
My grades so far are:
Life Drawing for Animation: 1855/1948 (95.23%)
College Algebra I: 210/220 (95.45%)
Game Analysis and Playability: 264/275 (96%)
So I am doing pretty good right now. I really enjoy the Game Analysis and Playability course. We ahve jsut formed teams and will be picking a game that is not doing so well and relaunch it ... or basically come up with ideas that would have made the game do better when it first came out. There are 7 people on the team, and there are about 4 of us that are doing all of the work, with the other 3 practically being no shows. The professor is aware of this and said this is our real world experience. So ... the game our team chose is "The Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures." It is an online game so we have a social aspect to deal with, as well as we can all hop on at the same time and try out group things together as well. We just need our professor to approve the title now, and we will be good.
So ...
The job is going well, and it has its ups and downs. I really do not like the amount of time that Meredith and I are apart, but it does give me plenty of time to get my homework done. Also, some of teh customer can be downright nasty. They are calling me to run a quote on their automobile insurance and sometimes lie about accidents and tickets hoping to get a better quote. Once we run our reports and find out that they werelieing, they get upset at US. They are the ones with the accidents and tickets, and it was our time that they wasted. Go figure.
Well ... that's it for right now. It's Easter and the wife and I are gonna spend some quality time together. I hope that you are all well and good and safe.
Love you all!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Final Grades for Term 3

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Final Num-nums Draft

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Still waiting for grades, and ... NUM-NUMS!

Saturday, February 28, 2009
A little glimpse ...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A little Andy Warhol

Ever since I have been 2 years old, I have suffered from debilitating migraines. Sometimes they start off with wavy spots and lines before my eyes, or a tingling sensation in my extremities. Sometimes there is vomiting involves, and always there is massive pain around the eyes and in the head. The pain intensifies in direct relation to the amount of light that I am exposed to. A lot of times I get very confused and cannot verbally communicate, and this earns me a trip the emergency room, and sometimes a hospital stay. I am now 40, and on average suffer 2-4 migraines a year. This is how I see my migraines.
The first picture in the upper left with the reds, yellows, and blues is a total capture of one of my migraines. The yellow is the bright light that I become acutely sensitive to, causing me massive amounts of pain and suffering. The red is the manifestation of that pain as it permeates my head. The blue is the emotion that I feel, a depression that once again I am going to feel miserable and in great pain.
The second picture represents my hidden thoughts about the way I feel about myself and the migraines that are a part of me. As I went through elementary and high school, a migraine could be triggered by anything, even a bump on the head. Because of this, I was not allowed to play in sports, had to attend a special gym glass, regular camps would not accept me, and it all made me feel like an outcast. It was very depressing because this was a major sign of weakness, and I was the target of many bullies. I feel that I only had one true friend back then who understood what I was going through, but it was not enough to keep me from feeling lonely. The depression was to the point that at times I had considered suicide, but did not have the strength to follow through. The blue is for that depression, with the yellow being my cowardice and shame at the thoughts of suicide.
The third picture with the red and green is how I was made to feel by the rest of the world because of my migraines. There were times when I literally felt like the Joker character from the Batman comics. When I was at school and started to get a migraine, there were times I was told to go lay down in the hallway and wait for my parents to pick me up. As I would lie there, students going to lunch or gym would be paraded past me, all looking and pointing at me, not understanding my plight. To them, I was a freak. The color scheme itself represents me feeling like that freak, but the colors mean other things individually. The green represents the envy that I felt towards the other children who did not suffer the way that I did, that led normal lives. The red is for the anger that I felt, not at them, but at myself for being so different. Even to this day, I still feel a bit of that anger, especially after being in the hospital and wonder “What did I do to deserve this?”
The final picture goes through the steps of a migraine as I perceive it. The squiggles and the lines are what I see when a migraine starts to attack me. The yellows and the whites are the bright lights that will be my antagonist for the next several hours. The red is the intense pain that will pound against my head. Green represents the illness itself, and the orange represents how I feel different from the rest of the world.
A little help ...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Classes for next term
Life Drawing for Animation (7 credits)
This course covers advanced drawing concepts as they relate to character modeling and animation.Topics include basic human anatomy and form as it relates to the surrounding environment, spatial relationships and introductory sculpting techniques. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to effectively capture and develop gestures and motion in various media (pencil, pen, watercolor, clay, and sculpey) for use in 2D and 3D animation.
Game Analysis and Playability (4 credits)
This course introduces students to the concepts behind the development of games, conceptual reflection, genres, and the determination of what actually defines a game’s playability. During this course, students will play games, investigate code or sample aspects of existing games, and document and critique the effectiveness, efficiency, and aesthetic qualities of the sample games. Upon completion of this course, students should have played several games and documented the playability by critically analyzing the graphics, sound, artificial intelligence, and intended audience.
And I will be taking a course in Algebra (3 credits) as well. All sounds exciting ... especially the Game Analysis. I'll keep you all posted on how that goes!
Grades for Week 5, a new picture, and a migraine

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Grades for Week 5

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
An interesting assignment

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Another week done ...

Anyway ... for my grades for last week --
Digital Illustration: 149/150 for a total of 366/380 (96.32%)
Color Theory: 131/155 for a total of 495/525 (94.29%)
Still going strong!
I am really enjoying my school work and the way that the school itself works. I have talked to many different people outside of school telling them how excited and thrilled I am with the whole thing, that one of my friends is now starting classes in March. He is going for a Visual Arts degree and is very anxious to get started. He has said that his initial start-up has been as good an experience as mine was, so I am happy that I had recommended it for him. too bad I don't get a commission for that.
I have started working my normal hours at work now, which is 3:30-11:30 Mon, Wed, and Fri, and 9-5 on Saturdays. On the week days we sometimes go 30 minutes between calls, so this will give me a chance to get my homework done ahead of time.
Well ... that is it for now. I am going to get to work on one of my assignments, so ... will write more later!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's about time ...