I had a person at work "hire" me to make a logo for her. It was nothing too serious, just needed what you see here. She asked me what the name of my company was for her paperwork that she needed to turn in, and so I have been thinking about it for a few days now. At first, I was thinking along the lines of "Mad Scientist Graphic Design" or "Evil Genius Graphic Design" because of what I want to do with Frankenstein XIII. Meredith on the other hand was thinking about Taking the first two letters of my first and last name, and that became "DaMo Graphic Design." I shot that down real quick because 1) my sister's nickname is "CaMo" for the same reason, and I wanted my own name, and 2) what the heck kidn of graphic would you make for a "DaMo"? I then realized that using the first two letters of each of our names (DAvid and MEredith), you get "Dame", which is slang for "woman". but is defined as the wife of a knight. So at work tonight I was tossing around ideas and was thinking of some nice fonts (ones that kind of flowed and had some nice curves to them), and thatthe name could be "The Classy Dame Graphic Design Company". I could then have a mascot (a classy looking dame) sitting on the "D" in "Dame" ... be it on top of the "D" or inside of it ... or maybe even standing with her back to the spine of it.
Anyhoo ... that was just something I was tossing around. I would like to have a side business to do stuff like this, and to get my name out there. This way when I finally do get to go to a Game Designer's Conference, I will have a nice portfolio and a list of accomplishments that I can show to potential employers. Not to mention a little extra cash would be nice.
Anyone have any thoughts?
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