After getting feedback, and having to do the rest of the assignment, here is my final work for my Digital Illustration class. The bottom one is the packaging design (a treat pouch that only has 2 sides), then a marketing poster up above it (tried to make it look like a movie poster), and finally an advertising floor cling (the idea is to leave a trail of them leading up to the display).
Hope you like them!
Not bad. I'd buy them. Don't know if I'd eat them though. Looks like you had fun putting it together. Good job.
Thanks! One person who critqued it said they coldn't tell if the Cat on the top was a cat or a dog. Haven't gotten my final grades yet, so let's see what happens.
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It's been two weeks since your last update (which pales in comparison to my four-month hiatus, but that's not the point). So, what's up?
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