Well, here it is, the final week of this term, and these are my grades:
Life Drawing for Animation: 5602/6015 (93.13%)
College Algebra I: 772/830 (93.01%)
Game Analysis and Playability: 1056/1075 (98.23%)
In this final week, for me to maintain my "A" in each class, the breakdown for what the week is worth versus what the minimum I will need is as follows:
Life Drawing for Animation: Worth - 1695; Need - 1337
College Algbra I: Worth - 330; Need - 272
Game Analysis and Playability: Worth - 175; Need - 69
I feel fairly confident that I have gotten an "A" in both ym art class and my game class. I am worried about my math class, but will be happy to even get a "B". Over all, it looks like I made it back onto the Dean's List which makes me happy.
I have put up here my character sheet that I turned in for my final in this art class. Looking back to my first term character sheet, I see that I have made improvements. I feel that I have not yet made it to a point that I have something that is portfolio worthy, but ... I do feel that I am on the right path to getting there. I am putting up my first term character sheet to show the difference.
My how time flies. It seems you are always at the end of another term AND doing better each time. Your grades reflect the fun you are having. It's a good thing when you enjoy your work and can look forward to doing it. Perhaps you didn't look forward to the Algebra part of this course but you did great. I suppose there is a lil something we all have to do sometimes even if we don't want to.
Thank you, Mother. I did get all "A"s, and I feel that I am doing so well because one thing Michael always seemed to hound me on was not doing something half-assed. I think I did that pretty much all the time when I was growing up and why I flunked out the first time I tried college. now ... I am giving it my all, even for the parts that are not as much fun.
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