What a long night. Stu couldn't make it over, so I watched television all evening. Mere went to bed at 8:30, and I was tempted to join her. I have not slept well the last few nights. It always felt that my body was asleep but my mind was racing around. I am very much hoping for a good night sleep tonight.
So I have spent more time looking at the magazine I bought yesterday, and I am amazed at what people can do with computers. I found a picture in the magazine that a person made of Ingrid Berman. The person made it solely with computers, and it looks like a snapshot that somoene took just yesterday with a digital camera. It's funny because when I first saw the picture, I thought to myself "Wow! In three years, I will be able to do stuff like that!" ... and then right away I also thought "WoW! What if after three years I CAN"T do stuff like that?!?!?" I just gotta keep telling myself that not only CAN I do this, but that I WILL.
Besides ... I have an awesome support group. I have friends who are loaning me books to inspire me and give me ideas and tips; I have a great mother who is not too far away; my cat Pickles is always telling me how proud she is of me as she curls up in my lap; and my wonderful wife is very happy and proud that I am doing this. How can I fail, right?
Anyhoo ... I see that I was msitaken about how the semesters work. I thought they were 6 weeks long and then 2 weeks off. Well ... they are 6 weeks long, and then 5 DAYS off. Yeah ... gonna be a busy 3 years!!! At least that means it will go by fast. I am happier with it being 5 days instead of the 2 weeks as I would be just too anxious for classes to start again once the got done, I think.
So ... in less than 12 hours I will be a college student.
Wish me luck!!!
So I have spent more time looking at the magazine I bought yesterday, and I am amazed at what people can do with computers. I found a picture in the magazine that a person made of Ingrid Berman. The person made it solely with computers, and it looks like a snapshot that somoene took just yesterday with a digital camera. It's funny because when I first saw the picture, I thought to myself "Wow! In three years, I will be able to do stuff like that!" ... and then right away I also thought "WoW! What if after three years I CAN"T do stuff like that?!?!?" I just gotta keep telling myself that not only CAN I do this, but that I WILL.
Besides ... I have an awesome support group. I have friends who are loaning me books to inspire me and give me ideas and tips; I have a great mother who is not too far away; my cat Pickles is always telling me how proud she is of me as she curls up in my lap; and my wonderful wife is very happy and proud that I am doing this. How can I fail, right?
Anyhoo ... I see that I was msitaken about how the semesters work. I thought they were 6 weeks long and then 2 weeks off. Well ... they are 6 weeks long, and then 5 DAYS off. Yeah ... gonna be a busy 3 years!!! At least that means it will go by fast. I am happier with it being 5 days instead of the 2 weeks as I would be just too anxious for classes to start again once the got done, I think.
So ... in less than 12 hours I will be a college student.
Wish me luck!!!
Did ya sleep at all last night? Or did you stare at the clock until 9am rolled around?
Actually, at 7:30 I tried to login to see, just in case, things were up, and they were!!!
As for sleeping ... it's overrated!
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