I woke up at 5;30 this morning with Mere, and stayed in bed until about 7:30. I just couldn't wait until 9:00 and hopped online. I let out a small whoop for joy as I found out my classes had started and were available for me to access. I went straight to the art class as that is the one that I am afraid of, and sure enough, the instructor wanted me to post a picture I had drawn recently. Well ... I didn't have one. So I whipped up a contour (outline) drawing of Pickles. That was good enough (this wasn't graded, it was just and introduction). The other two classes look ok, and I have already completed all of the work for my the week in my Computer Applications class, so that is good. My syllabus for this week for all thre classes looks like this:
Week 1 (Success Stratagies)
Mastering Transitions
Read through the syllabus, view all lecture materials
Introduce yourself to the class (10 pts)
Read the Introduction in your textbook.
Complete tasks under Assignments item (15 pts)
Participate in the Discussion (30 pts)
Complete Self Check
Review Read On resources
Week 1 (Art)
Contour DrawingPerspective
Read through the syllabus.
Introduce yourself to the class. (10 pts)
Read: Drawing for Animation: Chapters 1 & 2. Reference page 53.
Assignment: Contour Drawing Assignment. (100 points).
Assignment: Perspective Studies. (100 points)
Discussion: This week we will discuss your sketching skills. (30 points)
Week 1 (Computer Applications)
Introduction to Office 2007 Read Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Appendix B: Microsoft Office 2007.
Appendix C: Microsoft Office 2007 Help.
Appendix E: Customizing Microsoft Office 2007.
Introductions (10 pts)
Assignment --Due: Sunday, by midnight (100 pts).
Discussion--First response by midnight Wednesday. Respond to two other posts by midnight, Sunday (30 pts).
Quiz--Due: Sunday, by midnight (30 pts).
So, I still have my assignments for my Success Stratagies and my Art class to do, as well as I have to post 2 more times for each class. Shouldn't be too hard to complete before Sunday night, right?
I will start posting again every Monday so I can put out my new week's syllabus.
See ya then!
I like your picture of Pickles. I knew you would not forget how to draw because that is an ability you were born with. I will not understand your classes but I can at least look at the pictures you draw.
Thanks! I'm sure that we will have lots to talk about over the next three years!
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