I have just scanned and uploaded my third peice of art that was required for week 2. My syllabus for this week looked like this:
Week 2 Sucess Stratagies
Discovering Yourself
View Lecture materials
Complete the Pre-assessment (10 points for completing)
Complete tasks under Assignments item (15 pts)
Participate in the Discussion (30 pts)
Review Read On resources
Week 2 (Art)
Drawing Techniques
Read: Reference Chapters 1 & 2 in the Drawing for Animation text.
Assignment: Drawing Techniques assignment. (100 points)
Assignment: Upside Down Drawing (100 points)
Assignment: Self-portrait (100 points)
Discussion: This week we will discuss comic books and graphic novels. (30 points)
Week 2 (Computer Applications)
Word 2007 Read Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques
Word 2007 Chapter One: Creating and Editing a Word Document.
Assignment --Due: Sunday, by midnight (100 pts).
Discussion--First response by midnight Wednesday. Respond to two posts by Sunday midnight (30 pts).
Quiz--Due: Sunday by midnight (30 pts).
I actually had the computer application class completed on Monday night, except for the 2nd and 3rd posting I need to do between Thursday and Sunday. I still have not gotten all of my grades from my Success Stratagies calss yet as I had placed my assignment in the wrong box. I have resubmitted in the hopes that because itwas time date stamped as being on time, that I will still get credit for it. I have completed all of my work for that class for this week, and have verified that I have placed it in the correct box this time.
The three peices of art I had to do this week were fun to do. The first peices was three drawings of a mortar and pestal, and each one had to demonstrate a different shading technique (hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling). The second drawing was of a picture that was upside down (and we had to draw it upside down as well). The hard part was not turning it upside right. After I was done, it looked really good compared to the actual picture. The last peice was a self portrait, and the ahrdest to do. I took a picture of myself, and had a hard time drawing myself. I finally went over the picture with a black marker to highlight myself, and then it became really easy to do. Granted, I feel I can do better, and in three years I hope to look back at it and have the proof with other work that I can.
Anyhoo ...
I am anxious to get started on week three. I am indifferent to my other two classes, and want to dive in to my art class. It is what my degree is about, and what I want to do with my future. Speaking of which, I have come across some really great magazines that I feel would be great for me to subscribe to, as they go over some great techniques and even provide software as tools and examples, but these are being printed in England (#d World, Imagine FX, and there is one other about Photoshop). A 13 issue subscription to any of them is roughly $100. If I buy them at the newstand, they $16 each. Mere and I dicussed getting subscriptions, but I told ehr that we should wait to make certain that I can do this. There will be one more semester before Christmas, and that will give us a better idea of how I am doing, so we should hold off until then to start shelling out more money. And belive me, there are a lot of places I can be shelling it out. There are some nice peripherials I could plug into the computer, such as a drawing pad that would let me draw directly to the computer. Or even a nice digital camera. I was looking at some interesting books on animation and artificial intelligence programing yesterday. This will all wait until I am further along, again, to see what I will need and what I can do.
But still ... THIS IS ALL SO EXCITING!!!!
As I sit here and type, it really occurs to me that I hope I do my brother proud. He is older than I, and has jsut retired from the Navy, and I am really proud of him for his accomplishments. He is a photographer by hobby, and wants to do it professionally, and some of his pictures have really blwon me away. We have never really be close as brothers, but I would be filled with pride if I knew I created something that blew him away.
I think that is my goal.
Well, I have three years to polish my work!
It sounds like you are off to a good start. Keep it up!
Thanks! I am going to post my scores from last week, tonight. I did great!
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