So, I now have my grades back for week 2, with it now being week 4 of class. And they are as follows:
Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games: 117/130 for a total of 244/260 (93.85%)
Character Development Design: 154/158 for a total of 358/375 (95.47%)
So, I am still hanging in there -- but things are still early. I am really not liking the perspective course, as e ven though I understand it and it's importance, it boogles my brain sometimes. I know that once I get into the computer aspect, I can always draw whatever I need or want on the system, and it can then be rotated to give me the perspective I need. On the flipside, and this is why I do need to do well in this class, is that sometimes it is quicker to get it hand drawn without using the computer, so ...
On I go.
Anyhoo ... here is a recent picture that I did for class, called Samurai Bear. I had to take a classic character archtype (villain, hero, sidekick, comic relief, and so forth), draw something that fits, and then redraw it a second time as if it were a different arachtype. So I drew a polar bear as an animal sidekick, and then drew him again as an anthropromorphic Samurai. I received a 48/50 for it, because I didn't have enough emotion or expression showing on his face, which wasn't enough to tell a story or what he was thinking.
Oh well.
Well, it still impresses me to hear how good you are doing in your classes. The perspective class actually sounds interesting to me. Hang in there. I'm sure it will come to you.
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