First off, here is what I am considering turning in for my final project for my Photoshop class. I took elements from my past assignments and put them together for this picture. I was not going to put the text in, but it was required to have some sort of writing or a message of sorts, so I put it in. Now that I look at it, it seems to balance it and complete it, so ...
I have until midnght on Sunday to turn it in, so any constructive criticism anyone wants to give, please feel free to do so.
The bummer part of my post is that I encountered an issue with one of my assignments. In my Introduction to Game Design class I had to turn in a paper to 2 locations instead of the usual 1, and I missed that little detail. Imagine my shock and horror when I logged in at my In-laws house on Thanksgiving and saw that I had a "0" for my assignment. The only thing that I saw was a note that said that the assignment had not been received. At first I thought that I messed up on the naming convention of the file, as you need to name it in specific format or you can get docked points for that. I downloaded the file (as I did not have it with me in Cincinatti) and renamed to upload it again. I even email my professor stating this is what I did. I never heard back from him and finally figured out on my own that I had to upload it to a second area, and I still have a "0" for a grade on that assignment. I think I emailed him at elast 3 times and he never contacted me back. If I still do not hear back from by the time he grades last weeks assignment, I will talk to my councilor and see what she has to say about it. It makes me mad as I had finally gotten back up to an "A" in that class, and now I got a "0" on a 40 point paper. What even makes it even more aggravating than the fact that I had just gotten my grade up was that I just received a certificate from Westwood because I made the Dean's List last term. Hope I cna still do that again this term.
Anyway ... here are my grades from week 6:
Art History: 85/95 for a total of 698/729 (95.75%)
Image Editting for Games: 30/30 for a total of 440/440 (100%)
Introduction to Animation: 134/140 for a total of 813/850 (95.65%)
Introduction to Game Design: 40/80 for a total of 419/500 (83.80%)
Oh well. On the plus side, I started my new job 2 weeks ago, and me being able to keep it was contingent on passing my licensing exam. We were to get three tries at passing it, and I passed on my first try. That is a load off of my mind. Now they tell us that because I am going to be on the team that will be dealing with Canada, I now ahve to take that exam as well, and that no one has passed it on their first try yey. Oh joy.
So ...
That's all for now. I have 4 final projects I have to work on. I will keep you all posted!
1 comment:
Yeah, David! Sorry about that paper. Those things happen. You should hear some of the stories that Suzanne has to deal with. Hopefully you and your teacher can come to some sort of agreement. Your picture looks pretty cool by the way. I hope you get a good grade on it.
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