Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle!

Well, I just ordered my books and software for my next term of school. It came to almost $1900. $1600 of is for software. I will be getting Photoshop C3 and the entire Adobe Creative Suite. I am so very excited about this. I have been buying magazines that have some really great tutorials but I didn't have the software to do them with. Also, I will be just that much closer to making my first "portfolio" piece.


So ...

Onto other things ....

My brother has asked me what my Success Stratagies class has been about, so ...

The book for the class is "From Master Student to Master Employee." The course is about self discovery, discovering what your personaliy is, what study habits work best for you, how to plan your time more efficiently and so forth. It gave suggestions on how to study for tests and exams and ways of taking notes. It also gave suggestions for making goals and planning to meet then long term ones. As I said, it was an easy course.

Well, tomorrow is the first day of the last week of class. I am eager to wake up and check things out.

Tkae care everyone!

1 comment:

Skip said...

Let me know how you like running CS3 with only 3GB of RAM. You'll probably be OK if you can keep your file sizes small. Good luck.