Well, I just ordered my books and software for my next term of school. It came to almost $1900. $1600 of is for software. I will be getting Photoshop C3 and the entire Adobe Creative Suite. I am so very excited about this. I have been buying magazines that have some really great tutorials but I didn't have the software to do them with. Also, I will be just that much closer to making my first "portfolio" piece.
So ...
Onto other things ....
My brother has asked me what my Success Stratagies class has been about, so ...
The book for the class is "From Master Student to Master Employee." The course is about self discovery, discovering what your personaliy is, what study habits work best for you, how to plan your time more efficiently and so forth. It gave suggestions on how to study for tests and exams and ways of taking notes. It also gave suggestions for making goals and planning to meet then long term ones. As I said, it was an easy course.
Well, tomorrow is the first day of the last week of class. I am eager to wake up and check things out.
Tkae care everyone!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Frankie and Grades, and ...
Well, it has been a very long week for me.
It started on Tuesday morning when I got up and discovered that my home/school computer had the Blue Screen of Death. Here it is, week 8 of 9 for my very first term of school, and I find that my computer had crashed. I went to work and was planning on taking half a day off so that I could work on my computer, only to have my team lead send me home after half an hour because I was a nervous wreck. I worked on my computer from 7:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday. A friend had loaned me his Windows Vista recovery CD should I need it, but that was not the problem. A few times I was able to get into Windows and I was told that I needed Service Pack 1, so I downloaded that and rebooted only to crash again. On Wednesday I stayed home to work on it (got no sleep the night before), and I discovered a few things. I first of all had installed 4 gigs of RAM nto the computer on Saturday, and Vista 32 bit can only handle 3.5 gig. If you put more in, it becomes flakey. So I am now at 3 gig of RAM. Also, my motherboard needed a new driver, so I downloaded that and installed it, and now it is working great (or so I hope).
Anyhoo ... I finally got feedback from my Art Teacher on Frankenstein 13, and this is what he had to say:
David, Good work. Thanks for the play by play in the sketchs. Helps sell the idea. Your sketches are fun. I want you to try and darken up the outer line. Add darker lines in the body as well to help show the weight and balance of the character. Adding that kind of shading will take this to the next level. The proportions on the profile are a bit off in the neck area. Getting that will come with time. As a whole I am very happy with the creativity and the progress. Keep up the good work!
That's a good feeling, knowing that someone likes my ideas and all I need to do is keep on working at it. Honestly, I have not submitted much art to the Game Designer's club yet as I am not yet creating anything that is "portfolio" worthy. Once I start getting into the programs that willallow me to modify my pictures, to "paint" them on the computer (hopefully next term or the term after), then I will start doing so.
So ...
My grades for last week are in, and:
Computer Applications: 158/160 for a total of 1120/1130 (99.12%)
Success Stratagies: 550/570 for a total of 1077/1105 (97.47%)
Introduction to Drawing and Perspective: 250/260 for a total of 2272/2400 (94.67%)
Overall: 4469/4635 or 96.42%
Granted the first two courses are pretty easy courses and it helped to have them first. But I am still happy to be getting an "A" for my first term of school after being away from it all for 20 years.
I would liek to thank my brother Skip, to Mom and Mike, and to Meredith for being extremely supportive and encouraging to me. I love you all!
It started on Tuesday morning when I got up and discovered that my home/school computer had the Blue Screen of Death. Here it is, week 8 of 9 for my very first term of school, and I find that my computer had crashed. I went to work and was planning on taking half a day off so that I could work on my computer, only to have my team lead send me home after half an hour because I was a nervous wreck. I worked on my computer from 7:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday. A friend had loaned me his Windows Vista recovery CD should I need it, but that was not the problem. A few times I was able to get into Windows and I was told that I needed Service Pack 1, so I downloaded that and rebooted only to crash again. On Wednesday I stayed home to work on it (got no sleep the night before), and I discovered a few things. I first of all had installed 4 gigs of RAM nto the computer on Saturday, and Vista 32 bit can only handle 3.5 gig. If you put more in, it becomes flakey. So I am now at 3 gig of RAM. Also, my motherboard needed a new driver, so I downloaded that and installed it, and now it is working great (or so I hope).
Anyhoo ... I finally got feedback from my Art Teacher on Frankenstein 13, and this is what he had to say:
David, Good work. Thanks for the play by play in the sketchs. Helps sell the idea. Your sketches are fun. I want you to try and darken up the outer line. Add darker lines in the body as well to help show the weight and balance of the character. Adding that kind of shading will take this to the next level. The proportions on the profile are a bit off in the neck area. Getting that will come with time. As a whole I am very happy with the creativity and the progress. Keep up the good work!
That's a good feeling, knowing that someone likes my ideas and all I need to do is keep on working at it. Honestly, I have not submitted much art to the Game Designer's club yet as I am not yet creating anything that is "portfolio" worthy. Once I start getting into the programs that willallow me to modify my pictures, to "paint" them on the computer (hopefully next term or the term after), then I will start doing so.
So ...
My grades for last week are in, and:
Computer Applications: 158/160 for a total of 1120/1130 (99.12%)
Success Stratagies: 550/570 for a total of 1077/1105 (97.47%)
Introduction to Drawing and Perspective: 250/260 for a total of 2272/2400 (94.67%)
Overall: 4469/4635 or 96.42%
Granted the first two courses are pretty easy courses and it helped to have them first. But I am still happy to be getting an "A" for my first term of school after being away from it all for 20 years.
I would liek to thank my brother Skip, to Mom and Mike, and to Meredith for being extremely supportive and encouraging to me. I love you all!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Frankenstein 13 and Grades
How many people here watch American Idol? I don't, but I am familiar with the judges telling people that they picked the wrong song. What this means is that thesinger mihgthave done OK with their singing, but the song was the wrong choice giving them a lower score. If they had chosen a different song, they would have scored higher. With that in mind, I picked the wrong song when it came to story boards.
This week for art class we needed to come up with a character sheet for a video game character we created. It didn't have to be related to our story boards, but it might help flesh out the character. My idea is for a character named Frankenstein 13, and here is what I posted:
As for a character, I have bounced a comic book hero around in my head for a few years called Frankenstein 13. The back story being that Baron von Frankenstein was real, and he didn't die with his monster. Instead, his body was destroyed and he exists now as a brain in a bottle. The Baron had a following, and they are still trying to perfect the process so that they can put the brain into a viable body. Unfortunately, each attempt has resulted in the brain becoming extremely psychotic ... until now. It is their 13th attempt. the body is that of a massive Mongol. The brain is that of a Navy Seal. Unfortunately, the Navy Seal training kicks in and he makes his escape trying to get home to his family. The Baron and his following are trying to recover their masterpiece and release the other 12 monsters to bring him back.
And this what some of the students thought of him:
George: David that character sounds amazing with that much detail to his back story. Please take no offence; the Oz Theatre of War idea for a game was a cool concept, but man Frankenstien 13 is a game all unto himself and sounds like a much cooler concept. I mean seriously, you just mapped out your whole game progression right down to the 12 bosses. It mixes fantasy as well as modern day military. you could have a field day with this guy. I suggest you pursue some serious development on him, even if it's just a personal game that you have a a showpiece; one heck of a showpiece might I add.
Timothy: I've got to go with George on this one. He's absolutely right. You've got an entire game already mapped out in this one neat little paragraph. By all means... bring the little nipper out to see the world. I think the world is looking forward to meeting him. It just may not know it yet!
And the Professor: An extremely fun and creative idea David. You tap in to the classics but bring a very post modern/pop culture feel to an old story. Clever. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
So ... I have one more drawing to do for my character sheet. I will be working on that today. Once I haveit done, I will post it here. I will be redoing my Oz storyboards for the final project (as it was my roughs and now need to turn in finished work), and I will post those as well.
My grades for last week are finally in and they are:
Success Strategies: 60/60 for a total of 527/535 (98.50%)
Computer Applications: 154/160 for a total of 962/970 (99.18%)
Intro duction to Drawing and Perspective: 310/360 for a total of 2022/2140 (94.49%)
Oing great in the first two, good in the third ... just gonna have to work a little bit harder so that I do not lose that "A" that I have.
Well ...
Gotta go finish that last picture!
This week for art class we needed to come up with a character sheet for a video game character we created. It didn't have to be related to our story boards, but it might help flesh out the character. My idea is for a character named Frankenstein 13, and here is what I posted:
As for a character, I have bounced a comic book hero around in my head for a few years called Frankenstein 13. The back story being that Baron von Frankenstein was real, and he didn't die with his monster. Instead, his body was destroyed and he exists now as a brain in a bottle. The Baron had a following, and they are still trying to perfect the process so that they can put the brain into a viable body. Unfortunately, each attempt has resulted in the brain becoming extremely psychotic ... until now. It is their 13th attempt. the body is that of a massive Mongol. The brain is that of a Navy Seal. Unfortunately, the Navy Seal training kicks in and he makes his escape trying to get home to his family. The Baron and his following are trying to recover their masterpiece and release the other 12 monsters to bring him back.
And this what some of the students thought of him:
George: David that character sounds amazing with that much detail to his back story. Please take no offence; the Oz Theatre of War idea for a game was a cool concept, but man Frankenstien 13 is a game all unto himself and sounds like a much cooler concept. I mean seriously, you just mapped out your whole game progression right down to the 12 bosses. It mixes fantasy as well as modern day military. you could have a field day with this guy. I suggest you pursue some serious development on him, even if it's just a personal game that you have a a showpiece; one heck of a showpiece might I add.
Timothy: I've got to go with George on this one. He's absolutely right. You've got an entire game already mapped out in this one neat little paragraph. By all means... bring the little nipper out to see the world. I think the world is looking forward to meeting him. It just may not know it yet!
And the Professor: An extremely fun and creative idea David. You tap in to the classics but bring a very post modern/pop culture feel to an old story. Clever. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
So ... I have one more drawing to do for my character sheet. I will be working on that today. Once I haveit done, I will post it here. I will be redoing my Oz storyboards for the final project (as it was my roughs and now need to turn in finished work), and I will post those as well.
My grades for last week are finally in and they are:
Success Strategies: 60/60 for a total of 527/535 (98.50%)
Computer Applications: 154/160 for a total of 962/970 (99.18%)
Intro duction to Drawing and Perspective: 310/360 for a total of 2022/2140 (94.49%)
Oing great in the first two, good in the third ... just gonna have to work a little bit harder so that I do not lose that "A" that I have.
Well ...
Gotta go finish that last picture!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Next Semester
Next semester starts October 14th, and my classes will be:
Art History: This course provides students with a brief overview of historical ideas and events in the development of the arts. Topics include a review of art styles and functions of art in varying cultures. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to describe major characteristics of art and architecture and identify historical significant artists and works of art.
Image Editting for Gaming: This course covers the basics of digital image editing in creating textures using industry standard software.Topics include digital photography, scanning techniques, photo retouching and manipulation, and texture building. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to utilize layers, channels, filters, and masks in creating efficient textures for use in 3D applications.
Introduction to Animation: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of traditional animation. Topics include the history and principles of animating key poses, timing cycles, and the mechanics of motion. Upon completion of this course students should be able to present a short animation using traditional techniques.
Introduction to Game Development: In this course students are introduced to the history of gaming and the terminologies used. Students will learn both the theoretical and practical considerations governing the development of a game and how these considerations are manifested in the design and development of games.Topics include game history, terminologies, philosophies, and genres. Upon completion of this course students should have an understanding of the basics of gaming and how games interact with the user.
The first class sounds kind of 'meh' to me, as I have had classes similiar to this before. I understand the need for taking this class, but it just doesn't excite me like the other three. The image editting class sounds absolutely exciting. I have been reading magazines (Imagine FX, 3D World, and Photoshop Advanced), and image editting as well as image painting is extremely exciting. I am hoping that this class is the one where we get our copy of photoshop as there is so much I want to try and play around with.
Anyway, I got my grade back for my story boards. I got 250 points out of 300, which is a B/B-. I have a lot of work to do to make my roughs look "not-so-rough".
Art History: This course provides students with a brief overview of historical ideas and events in the development of the arts. Topics include a review of art styles and functions of art in varying cultures. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to describe major characteristics of art and architecture and identify historical significant artists and works of art.
Image Editting for Gaming: This course covers the basics of digital image editing in creating textures using industry standard software.Topics include digital photography, scanning techniques, photo retouching and manipulation, and texture building. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to utilize layers, channels, filters, and masks in creating efficient textures for use in 3D applications.
Introduction to Animation: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of traditional animation. Topics include the history and principles of animating key poses, timing cycles, and the mechanics of motion. Upon completion of this course students should be able to present a short animation using traditional techniques.
Introduction to Game Development: In this course students are introduced to the history of gaming and the terminologies used. Students will learn both the theoretical and practical considerations governing the development of a game and how these considerations are manifested in the design and development of games.Topics include game history, terminologies, philosophies, and genres. Upon completion of this course students should have an understanding of the basics of gaming and how games interact with the user.
The first class sounds kind of 'meh' to me, as I have had classes similiar to this before. I understand the need for taking this class, but it just doesn't excite me like the other three. The image editting class sounds absolutely exciting. I have been reading magazines (Imagine FX, 3D World, and Photoshop Advanced), and image editting as well as image painting is extremely exciting. I am hoping that this class is the one where we get our copy of photoshop as there is so much I want to try and play around with.
Anyway, I got my grade back for my story boards. I got 250 points out of 300, which is a B/B-. I have a lot of work to do to make my roughs look "not-so-rough".
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Grades for last weeks, and ...

Because of Ike, my Intro to Drawing and Perspective teacher (who lives in Texas) did not get the grades up for last week until today. So ...
Computer Applicatons: 160/160 for a total of 746/750 (99.47%)
Success Stratagies: 237/245 for a total of 467/475 (98.32%)
Introduction to Drawing and Perspective: 260/280 for a total of 1742/1810 (96.24%)
Still going strong ...
Anyhoo ... this week for Art we had to comeup with some rough drafts for a commercial representing a video game we came up with. If you ahve been following my blog, you saw the outline I did for it eaerlier. So, here are the drafts I submitted:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Power Point
This past week in my Computer Applications class we had to search the web and find a site that had a Power Point presentation on it and discuss what we liked about it and provide a link to it. I found this site: http://www.graves.k12.ky.us/powerpoints/elementary/. What I really liked about it is that it's a website full of educational presentations aimed at elementary students. My instructer really liked it and is passing it along amongst his peers, and other people are having their children go through tem as well. One person even said that they were going to show it to her child's teacher because she really liked it. So ... I thought I would post it here and if anyone who has children want to check it out, they can.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Week 4 grades
Computer applicatons: 160/160 for a total of 646/650 (99.38%)
Success Strategies: 60/60 for a total of 230/230 (100%)
Intro to Drawing and Perspective: 414/430 for a total of 1482/1530 (96.86%)
Still going strong. I am feeling really good and happy with my scores to date. The first two courses are ones that I take seriously, but also lightly. I think because because these courses will have little bearing on my career choice. I fret and worry each week until my grades come out for my art class because it is a more accurate guide for me as to how I am doing.
On another note, I took my first real test today. It was my mid-term for Success Strategies. 50 questions, at 4 points each, I scored 192 points (missed two questions). That makes me feel great! First real test in 20 years, and I didn't panic or anything. So, I am pretty certain that the next three years will be well spent.
Last night was a very good night for me in the game design club. We have round table meetings every week for each section of the game design. There are meetings for the programmers, the artists, the writers, and for everyone in general. I attend the general meeting as well as the artist and the writers. Last night was the writer's meeting, and I was the only one who submitted an outline for the project. We are trying to come up with a unique story for a knight. After two hours and going over the outline that I provided (which got some really great feedback on), the story will revolved around a knight that is suffering from some form of dementia. He had been the proverbial knight in shining armor and then went on the crusades. The shock and horrors he endured during the crusades breaks his mind, hence his dementia. We are trying to decide if his squire is real or just a figment of his broken mind. It was really a great feeling working on this story with the group, and they were working with the outline that I submitted, which was also a great feeling. So ... I have to now listen to the meeting again (it was recorded) and refine all that was said and resubmit so we all ahve something to go off of at the next writer's meeting. Once we get everything all hammered out, I will post it here for everyone to see. What is a lot more exciting is that all of the round table meetings connect together, and what one table comes up with, the other tables might pick up to work on. So this might even make it to a published game!
One final note ... I really want to take a moment to thank Meredith (my wife). She has been very encouraging to me and is always there for me. She heard part of the meeting where people were really excited about my outline and she got just as excited. She was extremely happy for me when I finished my mid-term and had a great grade. She is utterly fantastic. She has even offered to listen to the recording of the meeting and scribe it for me. Isn't she awesome? These next three years will be all the more easier because she is by my side.
I love you, Babe!
Success Strategies: 60/60 for a total of 230/230 (100%)
Intro to Drawing and Perspective: 414/430 for a total of 1482/1530 (96.86%)
Still going strong. I am feeling really good and happy with my scores to date. The first two courses are ones that I take seriously, but also lightly. I think because because these courses will have little bearing on my career choice. I fret and worry each week until my grades come out for my art class because it is a more accurate guide for me as to how I am doing.
On another note, I took my first real test today. It was my mid-term for Success Strategies. 50 questions, at 4 points each, I scored 192 points (missed two questions). That makes me feel great! First real test in 20 years, and I didn't panic or anything. So, I am pretty certain that the next three years will be well spent.
Last night was a very good night for me in the game design club. We have round table meetings every week for each section of the game design. There are meetings for the programmers, the artists, the writers, and for everyone in general. I attend the general meeting as well as the artist and the writers. Last night was the writer's meeting, and I was the only one who submitted an outline for the project. We are trying to come up with a unique story for a knight. After two hours and going over the outline that I provided (which got some really great feedback on), the story will revolved around a knight that is suffering from some form of dementia. He had been the proverbial knight in shining armor and then went on the crusades. The shock and horrors he endured during the crusades breaks his mind, hence his dementia. We are trying to decide if his squire is real or just a figment of his broken mind. It was really a great feeling working on this story with the group, and they were working with the outline that I submitted, which was also a great feeling. So ... I have to now listen to the meeting again (it was recorded) and refine all that was said and resubmit so we all ahve something to go off of at the next writer's meeting. Once we get everything all hammered out, I will post it here for everyone to see. What is a lot more exciting is that all of the round table meetings connect together, and what one table comes up with, the other tables might pick up to work on. So this might even make it to a published game!
One final note ... I really want to take a moment to thank Meredith (my wife). She has been very encouraging to me and is always there for me. She heard part of the meeting where people were really excited about my outline and she got just as excited. She was extremely happy for me when I finished my mid-term and had a great grade. She is utterly fantastic. She has even offered to listen to the recording of the meeting and scribe it for me. Isn't she awesome? These next three years will be all the more easier because she is by my side.
I love you, Babe!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Storyboard Outline
As I decided to go with my Oz idea for my storyboards, I have to come up with 15 storyboards for a 15 second commercial to pitch my game. I do not have to create this game, just pitch this idea that I have. this week I have to give an outline as to what my commercial might look like. I have until Sunday night to post my outline, so this is my first draft, and would like some input as to what people think:
Board 1) A sunrise over a cornfield with a scarecrow on a post taking center screen.
Board 2) Black screen, gold letters "Somewhere ..."
Board 3) A busy Munchkin village
Board 4) Black screen, gold lettering "Over the Rainbow ..."
Board 5) A nice sunny day viewing from afar over a field, Emerald City
Board 6) Black screen, red lettering, "A War Rages!"
Board 7) A grey sky and the view of Emerald City shows smoke rising up from it, and battle damage to the city
Board 8) The same view of the Munchkin village, the buildings in ruble and bodies in the street.
Board 9) The cornfield is now burned to the ground, the post is but a burned down stub, and there is no sign of the
Board 10) Faction shot of the Good Faction of Oz, with characters such as a Lionman, Clockworkman, Scarecrow, and
Munchkin standing grouped together in from of some damaged buildings in downtown Emerald City
Board 11) Faction shot of the Evil faction of Oz, with characters such as a Wicked Witch, a Winged Monkey, a
Winkie, or a female assassin.
Board 12) Faction shot of the Corporate Army, with characters such as the Shocktrooper, Commando, Medic, and
Board 13) A split screen showing four different battles between the different factions.
Board 14) A war room with a general leaning forward against a banister, looking at the central command screen, that
has the Wicked witch's face with her pointing at the camera, and a horde of winged monkeys flying in the
Board 15) Black screen, red lettering, "Theater of War: Oz"
Board 1) A sunrise over a cornfield with a scarecrow on a post taking center screen.
Board 2) Black screen, gold letters "Somewhere ..."
Board 3) A busy Munchkin village
Board 4) Black screen, gold lettering "Over the Rainbow ..."
Board 5) A nice sunny day viewing from afar over a field, Emerald City
Board 6) Black screen, red lettering, "A War Rages!"
Board 7) A grey sky and the view of Emerald City shows smoke rising up from it, and battle damage to the city
Board 8) The same view of the Munchkin village, the buildings in ruble and bodies in the street.
Board 9) The cornfield is now burned to the ground, the post is but a burned down stub, and there is no sign of the
Board 10) Faction shot of the Good Faction of Oz, with characters such as a Lionman, Clockworkman, Scarecrow, and
Munchkin standing grouped together in from of some damaged buildings in downtown Emerald City
Board 11) Faction shot of the Evil faction of Oz, with characters such as a Wicked Witch, a Winged Monkey, a
Winkie, or a female assassin.
Board 12) Faction shot of the Corporate Army, with characters such as the Shocktrooper, Commando, Medic, and
Board 13) A split screen showing four different battles between the different factions.
Board 14) A war room with a general leaning forward against a banister, looking at the central command screen, that
has the Wicked witch's face with her pointing at the camera, and a horde of winged monkeys flying in the
Board 15) Black screen, red lettering, "Theater of War: Oz"
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