I just confirmed my class schedule for next term. I have mixed feelings about it. I have three classes, and they are: College Algebra II (ACK!!!), College Writing (meh), and .... 3D Modelling and Animation (W00T!!!)!!!
Am I excited? Sure am! The first two I can do while I am at work. That should not be a problem. That will give me plenty of time to do my full class at home. The description of the 3D Modelling course ias as follows:
In this course students are introduced to 3D modeling and animation using industry relevant software.Topics covered include project development from initial concept to final production using lighting, camera angles, and textures. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to create and animate virtual objects in a 3D environment.
Doesn't that sound exciting?!?!?
I am so very anxious again to get this term over and done with and start on my next one!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hades: High School Gym Teacher

It is now week 5, and that means I am halfway throug this term. Once done with this term, it will be 1 year that I have completed out of 3! I am VERY excited about that.
My grades for this term so far are:
Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games: 449/485 (92.58%)
Character Development Design: 575/609 (94.42%)
In my character design class, I have sparked an interesting discussion with my character turnaround for Hades, Greeek Lord of the Underworld. We were to take a mythological character or creature and redesign them any way we wanted. I thought it would be fun to take Hades and turn him into a gym teacher. As you can see, I made him on the hefty side. I thought it would be funny for one, and two -- what would be more torturous to students than to have the person who is trying to get them into shape be out of shape? The discussion is whether or not the chatacer is believable. Some people argue that it doesn't matter that Hades would be able to take any shape he wanted, that a gym teacher SHOULD be in shape, and so that is the end of it. Others have argued that they have had gym teachers that were out of shape, and it was hell having them make them do sit-ups while the teacher broke a sweat just watching them. It has been a very interesting discussion. Especially because some of the peoplpe arguing against the believability have their own renditions of Gods running around in power armor!
Anyway ... heading to work now.
Take care!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Samurai Bear

So, I now have my grades back for week 2, with it now being week 4 of class. And they are as follows:
Advanced Drawing and Perspective for Games: 117/130 for a total of 244/260 (93.85%)
Character Development Design: 154/158 for a total of 358/375 (95.47%)
So, I am still hanging in there -- but things are still early. I am really not liking the perspective course, as e ven though I understand it and it's importance, it boogles my brain sometimes. I know that once I get into the computer aspect, I can always draw whatever I need or want on the system, and it can then be rotated to give me the perspective I need. On the flipside, and this is why I do need to do well in this class, is that sometimes it is quicker to get it hand drawn without using the computer, so ...
On I go.
Anyhoo ... here is a recent picture that I did for class, called Samurai Bear. I had to take a classic character archtype (villain, hero, sidekick, comic relief, and so forth), draw something that fits, and then redraw it a second time as if it were a different arachtype. So I drew a polar bear as an animal sidekick, and then drew him again as an anthropromorphic Samurai. I received a 48/50 for it, because I didn't have enough emotion or expression showing on his face, which wasn't enough to tell a story or what he was thinking.
Oh well.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Enjoying school!
Hey all ... this term is certainly pretty interesting, if nothing else. Both of my classes are focusing on drawings, so they can be very time consuming. As it stands, After teh first week, I have "A"s in both of my classes, and still an "A" in one class, and unknown in the second. I seem to have one teacher who gets the previo9us weeks grades up withn a day or two, and the other who posts them at the very last minute, or even a day late. ARRRGGGGGG!!!
One thing that I have done so far this term is to create a character from scribbles. Basically, using MS Paint (found under Accessories in the Start Menu) I made a bunch of random circles, squares, lines, and scribbles, and then made a mirror image of it and see if I can spot anything to work with. The picture shown is one that I came up with. Looks like some sort of insectoid head in a hood, doesn't it?
Anyway ... my first project in this course is to take a mytholical character or monster and redesign it. Put them into some sort of different role. My intention for this project is to take Hades, Greek God of the Underworld, and turn him into a high school gym teacher. Give him tight gym shorts, short sleeve shirt, whistle around his neck, and shades. Should look pretty good once I am done.
Anyway ...
Work is keeping my busy. I took my Canada licensing exam about 2 weeks ago, and I score a 25% out of 100 questions. Seems that 3 of us had that happen to us. I studied long and hard for that test, and even if i was to walk in off teh street and take that test without studying, I could have scored 25%. So upper management is trying to fight this, thinking we were given the wrong test to the listed answer key, and we will see what happens. Worst case is that I will n eed to retake the test, but if I fail, I will need to pay the $150 for it. I really do not want to retake it, especially because it is no longer fresh in my mind. And it will jsut mean having to restudy and devote time to it that I much rather devote to school and Meredith.
So ...
That is about how things have been here lately. Hope all is well with all of you everywhere else!
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