Art History: 82/135 for a total of 1119/1207 (92.71%)
Image Editting for Games: 30/30 for a total of 1200/1230 (97.56%) -- 600/600 on my picture!
Intro to Animation: 460/490 for a total of 1430/1520 (94.08%) -- 370/400 for my animation!
Intro to Game Development: 268/270 for a total of 1067/1130 (94.42) -- got 40/40 for back assigment.
For a total of ... ALL "A"s!!! WooHOO!!! I pulled it off again.
I have to say that I would not have done it without the help from Meredith. Art History was a major pain as I kept getting dinged on my posts for not enough information. She helped me out big time on that, even though we still got dinged, but at least I didn't feel so frustrated.
I am also very happy that I received full credit on my past assignment. I wish I would have known that sooner. With that big ZERO there it was bringing me down to a "B". I know I am trying a bit hard to keep up my grades, maybe too hard, but I am afraid that if I start slacking off that I will lose the momentum. I am sure that it will start to wear on me, but I wnat that to happen later instead of sooner.
With that being said, my books are ordered and will be here tomorrow. I am extremely excited about that. I cannot wait to see what the books for Color Theory and Digital Illustration will be like. I know that for Digital Illustration I will be using Adobe Illustrator. I openned up the program for the first time today. Looks like a cross between Photoshop and Paint. Should be lots of fun using that. Has anyone out there used it before? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
Well ...gotta run. It's been snowing out here in Illinois and I will need to ge tup early to clean off my car before going to work tomorrow.
Love you all!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Let's give this a shot ...
I got my video up ...
And I have it up on YouTube as well ...
And I have it up on YouTube as well ...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Last weeks grades and next term's classes

Well, last week's grades are in and here is how I did:
Art History: 285/285 for a total of 1037/1072 (96.74%)
Image Editing for Games: 100/130 for a total of 540/570 (94.74%)
Introduction to Animation: 30/40 for a total of 970/1030 (94.17%)
Introduction to Game Development: 260/280 for a total of 679/780 (87.05%)
So ... I am still fighting to get back to an "A" in Game Development. I got a note back from the professor saying he won't grade any "late" work until the end of the term, so I won't know anything about that until next week.
I missed out on 30 points for my rough draft in my Photoshop class because I didn't list my text in it. Oh well .. no one is perfect. Speaking of Photoshop, Meredith (my wife) has signed me up to in the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. I now have access to their site and all of their tutorials, as well as getting the monthly magazine "Photoshop Users." It is a very informative magazine. I really do enjoy it and ahve learna lot from it already.
I am happy to say that with Meredith's help I got a perfect score on my Art History paper. I had to write a thesis on a famous Artist and some of their works, so I picked Norman Rockwell and his "Four Freedoms" poster. My thesis was that he was more of a propagandist than an artist. The profess made a note on my paper thiking that it was an interesting spin on him.
Of my four classes this term, three of them have final projects that are being critiqued by the other students:
Image Editing for Games: My picture that I uploaded as my final is what is showing, and it is getting mediocer reviews. Too much fog and that the text looks like it was added as an after-thought. Of well. Lets see what kind of grade I get from teh professor.
Introduction to Animation: My animated short is the only one so far to get 4 reviews while everyone else has one or two (one person has three). Everyone loves it and says that they laugh and cry over the story. One person asked if I was planning of doing a whole series of them as there are way too many possibilities to do with it all. Now, I will see if I can get these files over to my brother and see if he can find a way to show them on his site (18mb to get over to him).
Introduction to Game Development: We had to do a PowerPoint presentation on what we want to do in our careers, how we will get there kinf of skills we will need and such. I ahven't gotten any critiques on that yet, and the choice I picked was a texture artist. That is pretty much considered ground floor starting position, but it was more realistic to pick then Head Game Designer and Art Lead as many people picked. Sure, I hope to one day be in a leadership role such as that, but I went to do my presentation on something different. Let's see where that will take me.
So ... today I found out what classes I will be taking starting in January. They will be:
Digital Illustration: In this class students develop electronic illustration skills. Emphasis is placed on conceptual thinking, composition, creative type effects, and design campaigns. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to create effective layouts and illustrations through the use of digital illustration tools and menu items.
Color Theory: This course covers the principles of color as it applies to print and electronic media. Emphasis is placed on color relationships, composition and color mixture. Students will study the effects of color on the development of design as well as the psychology of color and its power to deliver effective marketing messages.
Both of these courses are 7 credit hours, so they should have some big projects in them. I am very excited about both of these. I eventually want to get into painting some digital pictures and would like to get a decent digital pen tablet to make it all easier. Photoshop and Vista have some great features for tablets, and am eager to play with them all.
Anyhoo ... that is all for now. I am very eager to know how I did on my final projects and will post the grades once I have them. I love you all and wish you all happy holidays!
Monday, December 1, 2008

First off, here is what I am considering turning in for my final project for my Photoshop class. I took elements from my past assignments and put them together for this picture. I was not going to put the text in, but it was required to have some sort of writing or a message of sorts, so I put it in. Now that I look at it, it seems to balance it and complete it, so ...
I have until midnght on Sunday to turn it in, so any constructive criticism anyone wants to give, please feel free to do so.
The bummer part of my post is that I encountered an issue with one of my assignments. In my Introduction to Game Design class I had to turn in a paper to 2 locations instead of the usual 1, and I missed that little detail. Imagine my shock and horror when I logged in at my In-laws house on Thanksgiving and saw that I had a "0" for my assignment. The only thing that I saw was a note that said that the assignment had not been received. At first I thought that I messed up on the naming convention of the file, as you need to name it in specific format or you can get docked points for that. I downloaded the file (as I did not have it with me in Cincinatti) and renamed to upload it again. I even email my professor stating this is what I did. I never heard back from him and finally figured out on my own that I had to upload it to a second area, and I still have a "0" for a grade on that assignment. I think I emailed him at elast 3 times and he never contacted me back. If I still do not hear back from by the time he grades last weeks assignment, I will talk to my councilor and see what she has to say about it. It makes me mad as I had finally gotten back up to an "A" in that class, and now I got a "0" on a 40 point paper. What even makes it even more aggravating than the fact that I had just gotten my grade up was that I just received a certificate from Westwood because I made the Dean's List last term. Hope I cna still do that again this term.
Anyway ... here are my grades from week 6:
Art History: 85/95 for a total of 698/729 (95.75%)
Image Editting for Games: 30/30 for a total of 440/440 (100%)
Introduction to Animation: 134/140 for a total of 813/850 (95.65%)
Introduction to Game Design: 40/80 for a total of 419/500 (83.80%)
Oh well. On the plus side, I started my new job 2 weeks ago, and me being able to keep it was contingent on passing my licensing exam. We were to get three tries at passing it, and I passed on my first try. That is a load off of my mind. Now they tell us that because I am going to be on the team that will be dealing with Canada, I now ahve to take that exam as well, and that no one has passed it on their first try yey. Oh joy.
So ...
That's all for now. I have 4 final projects I have to work on. I will keep you all posted!
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